How to Make Tasty Fruity Snow Fungus Dessert (Es Buah Jamur)

Fruity Snow Fungus Dessert (Es Buah Jamur). Snow fungus is traditionally eaten for its medicinal health benefits and has been upheld as a powerful tonic. The fat and gum-like protein in snow fungus is especially nourishing and anti aging. They aid blood production and bring more circulation to the skin to give you a moisturizing and radiant.

Fruity Snow Fungus Dessert (Es Buah Jamur) Jamur kuping putih pai muer tumbuh di pohon alpukat. manfa'at jamur salju ini membantu menjaga kadar kolestrol dan dapat membunuh sel-sel kanker rahim dan. Asian's nutritional dessert using snow fungus. This is an easy and healthy dessert recipe. You can cook Fruity Snow Fungus Dessert (Es Buah Jamur) using 7 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Fruity Snow Fungus Dessert (Es Buah Jamur)

  1. Prepare 2 buah of snow ear mushroom.
  2. Prepare 2 buah of kiwi.
  3. Prepare 1 buah of mangga harumanis.
  4. Prepare 5 buah of leci.
  5. Prepare 1 liter of air.
  6. It's 3 lembar of daun pandan.
  7. Prepare 100 gram of gula batu.

Snow fungus is helpful in reducing collagen losses of the skin. Incidentally, this dessert soup is vegan friendly, and gluten-free. Also, all the dried fruits used in the soup lend enough sweetness, and most of the sago/tapioca pearls. pandan leaves. How to prepare Chinese longan and snow fungus dessert soup.

Fruity Snow Fungus Dessert (Es Buah Jamur) instructions

  1. Rendam snow ear mushroom dalam air panas hingga mekar. Tiriskan, buang bagian akarnya, potong2. Sisihkan dahulu.
  2. Buat sirup gula: Didihkan air, masukkan daun pandan..
  3. Kecilkan api, tambahkan gula batu, masak hingga mendidih..
  4. Masukkan snow ear mushroom, masak hingga teksturnya melunak. Matikan api, biarkan hingga mencapai suhu ruang.
  5. Cara penyajian: Tata es batu dalam gelas, masukkan snow ear mushroom, potongan mangga, leci dan kiwi. Siram dengan sirup gula, sajikan segera.

Cut off small pieces from the snow fungus with a. Searches web pages, images, PDF, MS Office and other file types in all the major languages, and includes advanced search features, news, maps and other services. A jó ízű és kreatív díszítéssel tálalt előétel meghozza a vendégek étvágyát, már akkor is, ha csak egy pillantást vetnek az ünnepi asztalra. Obst- und Gemüse schnitzen kann erlernt werden und ist ein attraktiver Weg, Salate, Gerichte und Desserts zu garnieren und zu verzieren. When the sweet tooth comes a-knockin', dish up one these luscious dessert options.

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